my life
my name is Fenda Soumare and i'am 16years old .
I live in Lyon (France)i was born in 1994 in lyon .
I am student in higth school Albert Camus, I have got 1brother in this hight school .
I like my hight school because i see my frends every day and i like this school because we don't wear uniforms.
i disagree with uniforms this is not interesting and i don't see why we should wear school uniforms.
So i have got 4sister and 2brother. in my family they boy are older than the girls .I have very happy to have brothers because i have so much affinity with them.
The royal tenenbaums
Thursday me and my class we were go to see a film "The royal Tenenbaums" .It is the story of the family Tenenbaums ; the family tenenbaums are composed with three children : Margo , Richie and Chas. the three son are very fantastik they are genises . Margo is a famous playwight,Richie is a professional of tennis; in the end of the story we can see of Richie loves margo and margo too, moreover Margo is adoptive by the parents Richie .Chas is the brothers of Richie, his too is a genises because his don't a famous playwight he is very sportive but he don't make tennis ,Chas is a succesful buisnessman .He have got two son but his wife is died in a plane crash there for he is very protective with is son
I/in Lyon/ in 1994/ I am a student/ in AC High school/high/because/we don't wear /disagree with/ interesting/ I don't see why we should wear school uniforms/the boys are older than the girls/ I am/ to have brothers /them