Blood donation
Why to give his blood ?
It's very important to give his blood to save the road accident victims and act of God victims ! 8800 blood donation are necessary in France each year.
Who can give his blood ?
So the donor can give his blood:
- If he is in good health
- If he is between 18 and 65 years old
- If he weights at least 50 kilo.
<--The French blood organisation have many permanent centres and mobiles blood collection are organized in firms or in a bus.

How many permanent centres are there in France?
There are 154.
What quantity of blood do they take each time and who takes the blood?
The nurse takes 450 ml in a blood pocket.
How many times a year can people give blood?
Men can give up to 6 times in one year and women only do 4!
What happens when people give blood?
1- First the donor must do an administrative inscription
2- Then he must have a medical examination where he gives his medical history in order to know if he is allowed to give his blood !
3- there is the sampling: the nurse takes the blood in a blood pocket
4- Finally he can eat, drink water and have a rest to gather strength ! It's natural that he is a little tired after the donation.
- He can come back his home but he mustn't do too many efforts during some hours. Now he must wait eight weeks before doing an other blood donation.
diagram: the donor's travel
- He can come back his home but he mustn't do too many efforts during some hours. Now he must wait eight weeks before doing an other blood donation.
diagram: the donor's travel
But where does the blood go?
1- The nurse first takes a small sample of blood to do some tests. Then 450 ml are sampled in a blood pocket !
2- Then the blood is separated in its different constituents: red cells, platelets and blood plasma.
3- With the sample bottle many tests are done to find the blood group and to check that there are no diseases in this blood.
4- The blood pockets are distributed in hospitals. Nurses can now do a blood transfusion to the patient.
diagram: the blood's pocket travel
How many time can blood's constituents be preserved?
- red cells: 42 days
- platelets: 5 days
- blood plasma: several months
Marie. L
Why should you/people give your/ their blood?/ act of god????/8000 blood donation/he weighs/mobile blood centers/men can give up to 6 times/give one's medical history/ medical examination/to give his blood/ to gather strength/ 8 weeks
ReplyDeletewhere does the blood go?/ too many efforts/more people must give their blood/
blood pocket/ blood constituents