Some information about the movie:
The Royal Tenenbaums is an American comedy-drama film directed , produced and written by Wes Anderson in 2001.
Runtime: 108 minutes.
Principal actors:
- Gene Hackman ( Royal Tenenbaum )
- Anjelica Huston ( Etheline Tenenbaum )
- Gwyneth Paltrow (Margot Tenenbaum )
- Ben Stiller (Chas Tenenbaum )
- Luke Wilson ( Richie Tenenbaum )
Tenenbaums Royal said to his three children than he going to soon separate with Tenenbaums Etheline. He leave these children with their mother. Margo, Chas and Richie are adolescents with a lot of success and very outstanding because they are all geniuses.
Margot was adopted by the family Tenenbaums. She wrote her first play in the ninth grade at eleven years old. She is a teenager that wear smart clothes. In addition, Margot have got blond hair and blue eyes. She is bright, really intelligent and very gifted.
Chas is a business man. He created these own business. He loathe his father and there sued twice because his father stole his safe deposit box when he was fourteen. His wife died in a plane crash. He have two children who is called Uzi and Ari and also a dog named Buckley. Chas is a adult snobbish and proud.
Richie is a tennis man prodigy. He finishes his career by making a nervons breakdown during a match in front of thousand of fans because Margot married with Raleigh a day before the match. He love his sister in total secretly. Richie is a boy touchy.
After some years, for to return in his family, Royal Tenenbaum persuaded his wife and these children that he is seriously sick. But it' is difficult.
As for me, I think than The Royal Tenenbaums is the best movie than I saw.
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