Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Charline's work about "Standing out".

I can see on the picture A two high-school junior sit down, going to eat fast food (hamburger, soda..) we can see a first girl pregnant and maybe she confides her fears to her friend because she would be a teenage mother.
On a picture B, I can see a teenage girl sits in a boxing ring, just before a match, she looks like confident and determined , Behind her we can see a man , (maybe her father) very concentrate for the evenment.
Finally, We can see on picture C children going to practise ballet dancing.
In the foreground , I can see a little boy , and behind there are lots of girls. 

I find photo A interesting because it concerns many girls of our generation. In this situation, we would ask ourselves many questions such as: Shoud I have an abortion? Must I abandon my child ? It's uncommun to see girl in this situation , it's standing out.
A picture B is special because we are used to see men in a boxing ring, But there is a girl ! it's for that , this girl is standing out.
I have never seen a boy going to practise ballet dancing , NEVER ! because this is a girl's sport. So as for me , this boy is realy standing out.

1 comment:

  1. attention à tes questions! corrige ce message qui est plein de fautes graves!
    pas fini non plus!
