Thursday, 20 January 2011

Work about Juno, Million dollar baby and ? BY JULIE

1. On picture A we can see a pregnant girl, who is speaking with another teenage girl. Maybe they are in the cafeteria of their school. They are eating fast-food. Because we can see a tray with Coca-Cola, and sandwiches.

On picture B we can see a girl, with an old man. They are on a boxing ring, because we can see lot of people behind they and we see the ropes of a ring. They look like worried. Maybe because her opponent is very impressive.

On picture C we can see a young boy, and lot of young girls who wear a tutu. So I am sure they are ballets dancer. The boy is concentrate and confident. They are in dance-room and they are dancing.

2. The girl in picture A : Juno, is outsider because she is young. I think she have aproximatly sixteen years old, and she will be teenage mother. Normaly young girl don't have children! Because they have to do studies and take advantages of their life.

The girl in picture B : Maggie, is a strange person. Because generaly the boxe is for men. And she is a pretty girl who look like young. So it's surprising that she do boxing ring.

The boy in picture C, is strange. Because he is young and he likes ballet dancing. And normaly little boys prefer play football, cars and other things for men than practise ballet dancing.

3. If I was the girl of picture A, I would have an absorbtion because I am young, and I have lot things to do before be pregnant. I think I will speak about that at my parents if I be pregnant, because they are here to help me, and take the good decision.
But she have lots of possibility. She can keep the baby and bring up alone, or with her parents. Or she can confide her baby, to people who we would have an adoptive baby.

I think sports are for everybody so for me a girl who do boxe, is almost normally. Every people can do what they want, if Maggie wants to be professional boxers she can!! 
I have already think to playing boxe, but my mother doesn't want because she say : "They will broke your nose". So I have not do boxe. 

I said that every people can do what they want, it's true. But for me dance especially ballet dancing is for girl because a man with a tutu is ridiculous... When I see a man with a tutu I think : Oh it's a boy but... he looks like a girl!!  But if he likes that it's good for him. And he can be professional ballet dancer, and loves what he do!
Me if I was a man I think I will prefer play football, with my friends!

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