Saturday 29 January 2011

Work on standing out ! Wassef

in the picture A , there are two teenage girls who eat and drink coca-coola in high-school and she  .the girl who is pregnant must confide in her friend about his baby. If she have to keep the baby and be a teenage mother or if she must have an abortion.
In the picture B , there a old man and a woman who are in a boxing ring. The woman must be girl boxe and she must be concentrate. The man must advise the woman for the match. The man maybe the woman's dad.
In the picture C ,there are a boy and girls who are in tutu. They must practise ballet and the boy must be determined , aware and confident.

in the picture A, the teenage girl is pregnant 
in the picture B, there is a girl who doing the boxing.
in the picture C , there is a boy who practise ballet and it's the only boy .

For the picture A, I find ,it's éxagerate  than the teenage is pregnant. she's very young.
 in the picture b, I didn't think  who there are a woman boxer. 
for the picture C, I don't understand why the boy have choose the ballet. 

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