Thursday 18 November 2010

wassef 's opinion


My name is Wassef and I 'm 16 year old . I was born in lyon and live in RILLIEUX and my highschool is ALBERT-CAMUS.
I like school because it's very important to having after a good job morever there are my friends.
I like to be at c.d.i in order to do my homework or read a b.d. when I have a teachers absent.

I hate uniform for the school because it's not casual. I prefer a clothes normal and not than the uniforms. Why have a uniform? I think this is not important.


  1. like school/to get a better job/moreover/are/

  2. tu n'as pas corrigé ton message et tu as ajouté d'autres fautes qui sont inadmissibles: la place de l'adj/ a + nom au pluriel etc...
    travail baclé
